
The Zone has a new resident since April: JINC! We got to know JINC by meeting with project leader Marcel Najib and project employee Angela de Leeuw: “It’s unfair but true: those born in The Hague’s Schilderswijk have less chance of a good career than someone born in Wassenaar.”

Angela herself left vmbo and was immediately confronted with the (then) negative reputation of mbo. “With mbo, you’ll get nowhere,” she was told. Moreover, she didn’t yet know what she enjoyed. “You have to choose your profile at such a young age, and then the direction of your career is quickly determined.” Fortunately, Angela had parents who helped and advised her well. “To this day, I think about where I would have been without them and how many children today don’t have that support at home.”

Marcel’s story was slightly different. He finished havo and thought, “What should I do now?” His father insisted that he should study, regardless of what it was. Marcel has tried studying various subjects but struggled to find exactly what he wanted to do later in life. This ultimately became the driving force to join JINC. “Young people need more guidance in making study choices.”

“The chance of a good career is not only about talent or intelligence but also about poverty. Just think about it: how can you discover what you want and can do, if your perspective doesn’t extend beyond your neighborhood?” JINC offers those role models in collaboration with hundreds of companies in the Haaglanden and Leiden region.

JINC does everything possible to give these children a fair start in the job market. This includes internships, interview training, and pairing with coaches. JINC is committed to the youth who experience fewer opportunities due to growing up in parts of the city that are often disadvantaged. With this, JINC is the perfect addition to our other tenants, who share the common goal of working for the greater social good. Feel free to drop in to get to know them better.