
Hutten, The Zone’s company caterer, provides guests with delicious and healthy meals every day. Sustainability, local purchasing and offering beautiful dishes are paramount. How does Hutten do that? We spoke with Johnathan Williams, the location manager of Hutten in the Zone, about this. 

Green future 

Company caterer Hutten is there to unburden you with the tastiest fresh food and drinks. By “good food” Hutten means healthy meals made from sustainable products, because the company caterer is committed to a green and good future. After all, “food that is very healthy for your body is also healthy for the earth. We do this not only by putting as many vegetarian or vegan dishes on the menu as possible, but also by purchasing locally and sustainably,” says Johnathan. 


Hutten’s objectives and CO2 reduction 

 Hutten therefore strives for CO2 reduction, more plant-based food, combating food waste and social return. “We also want to inspire the client, in this case The Zone. That’s why eating more with the seasons. We prepare and serve food according to the guidelines of the Eat-Lancet menu. There is a greater role for plant-based food in this. The chefs throw their own delicious sauce over it and develop hybrid products in which part of the animal proteins are replaced by vegetable proteins or vegetables.” 

In more and more places at Hutten, they use circular solutions in which the residual flows want to add as much circular value as possible. For example: in the bakery they make overripe and saved fruit and vegetables. 

 Residual flows are used daily in De Verspillingsfabriek to make new products. Think of soups and sauces made from products that could not be used by growers, cutters and processors. Too small, too big. Deformed or trimmed. The chefs prepare fresh salads daily with partly imperfect vegetables. The roadmap has been developed for this purpose. 


Sustainable purchasing 

Purchases for the company restaurant are mainly made at Hutten and Sligro. The orders for both Hutten and Sligro receive a calculation in the system, where you can see how sustainable your purchasing is. It also takes into account how often an order comes. Leaving this way, there is no daily delivery, but, for example, twice a week, so that you generate less emissions. 

Hutten works with local entrepreneurs. “We now have bread that consists entirely of Dutch grain. Hutten has put together a sustainable range for Sligro, from which the locations can choose. We aim for 80% sustainable. With all this, Hutten is on its way to climate positive in 2030.” 


The meals 

“We always ensure innovation in the recipes. We serve little meat and every meat dish is also offered in a vegetarian version. We strive for a fun and varied menu, which we also devise ourselves,” Johnathan says enthusiastically. “The guest easily goes along with the new trend and the demand for more meat remains virtually non-existent. That is a good sign.” The most popular dishes of the guests are still the Rendang, but also the vegetarian Shakshuka. Nice that it is both a meat and vegetarian dish!